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Department of Communication

365bet传播系为学生提供独特而令人兴奋的选择 interested in the field of communication. Students engage in real-world experiences and hands-on learning from the moment they enter our program.

Department of Communication

Welcome to Austin Peay's Department of Communication. We provide creative, hands-on 为你进入专业的沟通世界做准备的环境. Here, you’ll 学习理解、管理和指导沟通渠道的技能 shape our communities.

我们敬业的教师关心我们的学生的成功,我们保持我们的班级 sizes low. 无论您的目标是什么,我们的课程都将帮助您实现这些目标. Your growth, knowledge, and success are our priority.

We're excited to help you learn to tell your story.

Undergraduate degree concentrations
Student to Faculty ratio in upper division courses
Graduate degree concentrations 


Apply Today!

Alum Zoe Farren
Zoe Farren
Public Relations

能和教授们建立这种关系真的很棒 I never would have even thought that I would have.
Christian Hodges
Christian Hodges
Sports Communication

I loved majoring in sports communication. Everyday I got to study a subject that I love.
Leah Grubb
Leah Grubb
Corporate Communication

When I visited Austin Peay, I couldn’t imagine myself anywhere else.
Lynsie Cook
Lynsie Cook
Broadcast Media

我喜欢亚利桑那州立大学传播系的一点是,他们希望你这么做 succeed.
Jennifer Lindahl
Jennifer Lindahl

My professors have been the best resource that I've used on campus... There are just 他们给我的各种资源,以确保我成功.
Rachel LeJeune
Rachel LeJeune
Broadcast Media

I’m always thankful for the hands-on experience. I learned to be committed to help the success of our production teams.
Christian Christenson
Corporate Communication

我不只是带着工具和技能离开,我还带着真正的人际关系离开 was the difference for me.

Programs of Study

传播系为有抱负的学生提供广泛的学位课程 communication professionals. Our programs are designed to help you realize your professional goals and have prepared our students to:

Explore our Programs of Study

Department of Communication News

ALUM Jandro Herrera
Alum Jandro Herrera's deep love for all things sports

Tune in to 'Govs on the Go' to hear from Jandro! As a proud Clarksville native and alum of Sports Communication, Jandro has a deep love for all sports. He played soccer in high school and now coaches 一个足球联赛,同时担任奥斯汀大学的招聘和培训主任 Peay.

'Govs on the Go' with Jandro Herrera

Sports Communication
Waving Goodbye
Waving goodbye at the best spring semester

We had the best Comm Cookout ❤️🤍🖤 Good luck on finals and graduation Govs! #apsucommdept #cookout #spring #apsu @apsucommdept

我们的社交媒体辅修课程的学生将成为社交媒体助理,社交媒体 经理、社交媒体营销人员、社交媒体总监或社交媒体影响者.

Explore our Social Media Minor
Event Planning
Discover the art of Event Planning

我们希望你能加入我们传播系的活动策划 minor. 这门辅修课程为你在行业中担任领导角色做好了准备,并提供了深入的学习 具备活动策划、活动执行的知识,并有实际工作经验 with professionals. 

Check out the Reel with Dr. Baron

Event Planning Minor
Event Planning
'The Girls of Summer' explores Barbie, Beyonce & Taylor Swift's cultural impact

Students take a closer look at 'The Girls of Summer' through Dr. Christina Hicks-Goldston's innovative new class. Barbie, Beyonce and Taylor Swift have spent the past year shaping the national conversation and driving the global economy. The course is based on Dr.HG's research into the trio's influence on society.

Read More about the course
National Sports Media Association Student Chapter

365bet的全国体育媒体协会(NSMA)学生分会刚刚完成 这是它作为365bet校园注册的学生组织的第九年. 

365bet's NSMA Student Chapter

Sports Communication
COMMunity Day
COMM-unity Day 2024

365bet传播系邀请即将到来的新生寻找他们的人 and their home at 365bet. This event is designed to give our new COMM Govs a chance to meet each other, their faculty, and current students. We spend the day checking out ALL THINGS COMM!

Brought to you by Dr. Jessica Morris and our Event Planning Minor students!

Event Planning Minor
Leadership Clarksville 2024
Leadership Clarksville

2024届克拉克斯维尔领导力班的成员们来到了传播系 WAPX-FM/Magic 91.9 and 365bet-TV Studios 学习广播媒体课程,并讨论社区领导. Look closely. 你会看到我们的巴兹院长是2024年克拉克斯维尔领导力的一部分 class.

Watch podcast filmed at 365bet-TV Studios

Explore Broadcast Media

Alumni Spotlight

Zoe Farren
Cape Cod to Clarksville

Zoe Farren transferred to 365bet in Spring 2022. The transition wasn’t always smooth but supportive professors and real-world experience made the difference. 佐伊与coal的公关总监卡拉·扎恩(Kara Zahn)合作,与业界建立了联系 professionals while helping to plan and staff events, sparking her interest in sports public relations and event planning.

Read More of Zoe's Story

Public Relations Concentration
Christian Hodges
Distinguished Alumni Award

Alum Christian Hodges 是美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)网络的EVS运营商,他在那里建造了 游戏亮点,即时重播,视频内容播放和媒体包. 他在职业生涯中表现出极大的勇气和毅力. We commend his willingness to give back to current students. Read More

'Govs on the Go' with Christian

Sports Communication
Sports Journalism
Alum hones her passion for Sports Journalism

校友詹妮弗·林达尔追求她对体育新闻的热情,尽管平衡 motherhood and the pandemic. Our supportive professors and a tight-knit community helped her thrive. 她的目标是为一个冰球组织写作,在她的爱的驱使下告诉人类 stories behind sports.

Read More

Explore our Journalism Concentration
Brittney Hitch
Alum praises beloved Professor Mike Dunn

校友布兰妮·希契在2016年完成学位后加入了纳什维尔食肉动物队. 希契称赞迈克·邓恩是她的导师,并谈到了成为一所大学所需要的条件 student.

“I just can’t thank everybody there enough for my time.”

Watch 'Govs on the Go' with Brittney

Public Relations Concentration
Lynsie Cook
365bet Alumna has ‘Surreal’ experience at HBO’s ‘Euphoria’

校友Lynsie Cook于2018年毕业于Austin Peay广播媒体专业 并且全身心地投入到由学生主导和创作的apsu tv中.

“和我一起工作的人以一种我从未想象过的方式理解故事,”Lynsie说 Cook said.

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Explore Broadcast Media
Lynsie Cook
Alum Rachel LeJeune wins News Emmy

“Austin Peay的传播部门为我提供了真实的新闻现场体验 that helped me land a job in a Top 30 TV market,” LeJeune said. “I’m always thankful for the hands-on experience.”

Read More

Explore Broadcast Media

Faculty Spotlight

Dr. Rob Baron
Dr. Rob Baron, Chair

Dr. 巴伦早年对演讲和辩论的热爱塑造了他的学术之旅. 他来自明尼苏达州,追随自己的热情,最终指导演讲和辩论. 现在他是一名数字修辞学家,他的研究深入到技术的交叉领域 以及人类交流,探索诸如社交媒体动态,电子游戏等主题 as cultural texts, and the evolution of indie gaming culture.

"Govs on the Go" with Dr. Baron
Barry Gresham
Professor Barry Gresham

格雷沙姆在365bet的学生体育作品获得了8个不同的奖项 from the Ohio Valley Conference; twice named the Program of Excellence. His play-by-play 广播节目曾三次获得OVC宣布专业奖. 格雷沙姆曾担任过西肯塔基州东南部365bet的实况转播播音员 密苏里州立大学,田纳西州,天狼星卫星广播,康卡斯特东南体育, ESPN3 and ESPN+.

"Govs on the Go" with Barry Gresham
Barry Gresham
Dr. Pam Gray, Faculty Spotlight

Dr. 帕姆·格雷最近获得了艺术与文学学院 卓越教学奖充分说明了她对教育的承诺.

Learn about Dr. Gray's dynamic teaching approach, Study Abroad trips, and her show, Two Crazy Ladies on a Golf Cart featuring herself and Dr. Tracy Nichols.

"Govs on the Go" with Dr. Pam Gray
Dr. Tracy Nichols
Dr. Tracy Nichols, Faculty Spotlight

Learn how Dr. 尼科尔斯来到奥斯汀皮伊学院教书,讲述戏剧如何影响了她的生活, 她所教授的课程、服务性学习,以及她们之间共同的激情项目, 迈克·邓恩、罗伯·巴伦和杰西卡·莫里斯:一本免费提供给所有学生的内部教科书 on campus for the Public Speaking courses.

"Govs on the Go" with Dr. Tracy Nichols


Apply Today!

Celeste Malone
Celeste Malone


Leah Grubb
Leah Grubb


Lynsie Cook

“我喜欢365bet传播系的一点是,他们希望你这样做 succeed. 无论你想做什么,教授都会确保你得到这些机会.”

Rachel LeJeune

“I’m always thankful for the hands-on experience. I learned to be committed to help the success of our production teams.”

Sarah Eskildson
Sarah Eskildson

“我的传播学学位将使我有能力传播有关人口贩运的意识 and advocate to end the injustice.”